The Climbing Majority

56 | TCM 2023 Recap

Kyle Broxterman & Max Carrier Episode 56

We are celebrating two years of podcasting and taking a look back at the growth and development of the show. We've covered a wide range of topics in the past year including recreational climbers and professional athletes involved in tragic accidents, huge accomplishments,  and much more. We are excited to continue exploring new conversations in the coming year and are also excited to announce some updates to the show, including a new website, sponsorship opportunities, and live events. We are grateful to all our guests who have shared their stories and experiences on the show, and to all of our listeners you are the foundation of this show. Thank you for your support! Finally, we end this conversation with a montage of soundbites from each of the twenty-five episodes of 2023

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00:00:18:15 - 00:00:41:22
All right, everybody, welcome back to the Climbing Majority podcast. Today's a little bit different. You know, Kyle and I are just going to kind of sit, discuss 20, 23 for the climbing majority and what 2024 is going to be like. And, you know, I think it was a pretty amazing slash, you know, crazy year for us. And that was really, really awesome to experience and to go through.

00:00:41:22 - 00:01:04:05
So yeah. Kyle, how are you doing? I'm good, man. Yeah, it's been an awesome year. I can't even express the excitement and gratitude I have for this project, for our partnership and for everybody listening, especially for people listening to this episode really means a lot that you're here. And yeah, I'm just we're really excited for things to come.

00:01:04:07 - 00:01:31:10
But, you know, like Max alluded to, you know, we're going to kind of dive a little bit into what our year is like personally. You know, we did go through some accidents. I was actually just thinking about this recently. It's been a year and a few days since I got my hardware out, which is pretty interesting. It feels like way longer, But yeah, I mean, Max and I were both in injuries and I was kind of the premise of this whole podcast.

00:01:31:12 - 00:01:52:06
You can go back to the beginning of the show just for nostalgia sake too, to see how we've progressed over the last 24 months, but also just to hear the story and kind of why this podcast exists. And that's, you know, because of our injuries. You know, we both broke our ankles and, you know, created this podcast and also taught us a lot about ourselves and stuff.

00:01:52:06 - 00:02:16:00
And so for me personally, this year, it's been a lot of kind of reintroducing myself to what climbing is like post injury. And I still deal with a lot of pain day to day lack of mobility, but I'm still able to climb a lot and I've got a lot of cool stuff done this year. How's how's the injury affecting your or your climbing and your your life at this point?

00:02:16:01 - 00:02:36:17
Yeah, I still have like general stiffness and various issues. Of course, it's not what it once was and I can't run like I used to, but you know, with enough, you know, with being diligent and calculated and doing enough rehab and doing the things I need to do, I can I can get away with doing almost anything I really need to do.

00:02:36:17 - 00:03:00:01
And, you know, it's like, you know, Quinn said in in 2022, you know, motion is motion. If I if I don't move my if I don't move, I don't exercise, I don't stress it, it gets worse. And and obviously, you know, training for Denali, that was such an aerobics intensive process with so many so a high training volume for us.

00:03:00:01 - 00:03:24:16
And so to be able to get through that and do that was really remarkable and felt really, really amazing and accomplishing. And yeah, it's been an interesting, interesting ride and, and having to adapt to the situation at hand, right? It's like this is the lack of better terms, the deck of cards that I've been dealt and and I really do feel I'm making the best of it.

00:03:24:18 - 00:03:53:04
And of course it's easy, like on a podcast to, you know, paint it in such a positive light and I'm so happy, you know, like, of course there's some some bad moments, some darker moments, some pain things hurt. Like I wish I never had been injured, but ultimately that's life and it is what it is. And yeah, I think the fact that, you know, I may be able to go from an injury such as that in about, I don't know, two years later or whatever, be at the top of the tallest peak in North America is pretty remarkable.

00:03:53:04 - 00:04:22:20
And I'm really, really ecstatic about those results. And and I think also you kind of touched on this before, but just in general at the podcast, I feel so much gratitude to the audience, and it's such a privilege to be able to have people tuning in and listening to this. It's just a really, really amazing project that I'm I'm really proud of and I'm really happy to be here and I'm really excited to to continue doing this in the future with you.

00:04:22:20 - 00:04:57:13
You know, just like this partnership, the things we've learned and, you know, the conversations we have and just constantly walking away from these conversations with gas and just feeling great, like, hey, I just I just learned a lot. I just had this awesome, rad conversation with this person. And yeah, it's just it's just been crazy. And also just going through the list of people in 2023 that we had on the show and the connections we built and the conversations we've had, it it's just it does feel really remarkable and really awesome to to, you know, be continuing this project here into 2024 for sure.

00:04:57:13 - 00:05:19:08
Yeah, we we were just chatting about just like the personal development that comes from from a project like this, you know, like, like you said, you walk away from these conversations like learning something and it's cool that, you know, you know, we're going through that just as much as our audience. Like if you're tuning into every episode, you're you're learning these lessons, you know, just as much as we are.

00:05:19:08 - 00:05:59:20
And everybody brings their own personal experience to the table, obviously. And you know, someone's going to get something different from each episode. But yeah, I mean, there's just so much value packed in these episodes and these conversations that we've been having. And I mean, personally, it's shaped who I am, you know, not only the skills developed, you know, being on air and using equipment and having to articulate thoughts in a in a professional manner, but just speaking with people that are so accomplished and the way they speak, the way they talk, trying to extract information out of them that's relatable to to everyone has been just yeah just a such a great personal development for

00:05:59:20 - 00:06:34:05
for the show itself and yeah for for me personally so it's been it's been really cool I, I second of all your, your your your thoughts there. Yeah it's been a really interesting journey. I feel I've gone through several iterations of myself, even this last couple of year period. It's, you know, injuring myself severely through the pandemic, going through surgery, dealing with all of the, you know, COVID lockdowns and the the psychological stress of that situation, meeting you, rehabilitating myself, making this like going through school.

00:06:34:07 - 00:07:02:00
There's just so many things going on that have been like very, very difficult and trying, but also character building and yeah, and I just feel like I've gone through several iterations for myself. It's just been like an expedited process of of growth in a lot of ways. And, and, you know, just the other day you send me that picture of I think it was like one of the first recording situations we had or whatever, you know, like couple of years ago.

00:07:02:00 - 00:07:24:04
And it's it's really crazy how much things have changed. And yeah, it's it's, it's I don't know, it's a really crazy project and I'm I'm so happy to be here doing it. Essentially. It's just like the, the bottom line for what it is. Yeah. 100%. And it's cool that you know we're not, we're not just like, now we just make podcasts and we aren't climbers anymore.

00:07:24:04 - 00:07:48:21
You know, We're just like these, you know, begrudging curmudgeons, just living through all the sex can't climb anymore. Yeah, yeah. I remember when I used to be able to climb, but yeah, then we're doing our own thing. I mean, you fucking someone at Denali, that's. That's so bad ass. And especially after an injury to like that. I mean, fucking hell.

00:07:48:23 - 00:08:08:00
So it's just really cool that, you know, we're interviewing guests. You know, obviously we're, we can't compare ourselves to some of these guests that we've brought on the show. But I mean, that's just that's just a testament to what the whole podcast is about. You know, we are the majority and climbing can be experienced by anybody and by everybody.

00:08:08:06 - 00:08:31:01
And, you know, we each have something to bring to the table with our stories and our experiences. And I like the fact that we, you know, we're even though we've had this barrier in front of us of risk management and dealing with the fear and the trauma of like having to go through like we're still out there doing what we need to do and we're still out there living that climber experience.

00:08:31:01 - 00:09:03:00
And I think that the show wouldn't wouldn't be the same without that. Yeah, absolutely. And and I think the there's so many things that we've talked about, obviously. But one of them is that like that like identity of a climber and the intrinsic worth of a climber. And you know, for me the connections were building through the show for us is just like a public extension of what a lot of other climbers go through, a people who they meet in the community and, you know, like tomorrow night, like Ray and I, we're going to go have dinner with Callum and Anya.

00:09:03:00 - 00:09:25:16
You know, Callum guest on the show kind of met him online to the climbing community, had this amazing, you know, experience climbing with him and then, you know, had him on the show. And he's one I'm one of my best friends, like, now, like he's an amazing guy. We see so eye to eye on so many things. I just absolutely love spending time with him and conversations with him.

00:09:25:16 - 00:09:59:02
And I think that's something that's just so amazing about climbing is it's this art form, it's this physicality, but then it's also a way of just connecting with like minded people, you know, And obviously likewise to like you and I, it's we've just built this really unlikely online relationship through injury, you know, through a pandemic that then like culminated in us actually, you know like this year I got to fly down to Vegas and like, meet you in person and, like, hug you and like, you know, that's funny when we, like, first met and like, look you in the eyes, I was like, Whoa, he's tall.

00:09:59:02 - 00:10:30:02
Yeah, It was like it was like, I didn't get catfished. You know, This wasn't just, like, some weird person online. But yeah, man, lying to me this whole time, it's. It's. I don't know. It's very it's very 21st century to. To Actually, I already knew you really, really well before meeting you in person. To me, that's, you know, like, fortunately, I guess like maybe prior to meeting Ray I use some dating apps or websites or something, but for the most part, not really at all.

00:10:30:02 - 00:10:55:10
Like, you know, Ray and I met organically through running, guiding and, you know, we both worked at the same company and we have this amazing relationship. So like, I, you know, I think that's more ubiquitous now with the younger generation where people meet each other online and then they have the interactions, whereas like that's not really that normal for me and for us to like have this essentially kind of like intimate, like knowledge of each other in a lot of ways.

00:10:55:10 - 00:11:13:19
And I truly felt like I knew you really well, like you were a good buddy of mine and I just never met you in person. And then to like, go down and meet you, it was like, wow, what a what a crazy, bizarre experience. And yeah, it was just great. And I just I feel like there's a lot of awesome, awesome things out of this, this project.

00:11:13:19 - 00:11:30:09
So that's, that's been really awesome for sure man. Yeah, it is interesting you bring up the point where it's like, I don't know, we're like sitting down right here in the studio. It's like there's such a familiar thing. It's like, I'm in the same room with you, you know? Yeah, but you're in. You're in fucking Canada. Yeah, Nevada.

00:11:30:11 - 00:11:51:22
It's really crazy. Yeah, but, yeah, I mean, technology is awesome, you know? It brings people together and. Yeah, I mean, when everybody asks the story of the podcast, I always like, you know. Yeah, like you feel me on Instagram and then, you know, we just jump on the call and start to commiserate. I'm just like, damn, like, this is a sick conversation, you know, like the we're just like hammering out these talking points.

00:11:51:23 - 00:12:12:10
Just like, yes, like, that's so dope. And I remember specifically, like, hearing your voice. I was like, Whoa, this guy's got a cool voice. And then, like, like, I think it was like literally the first conversation we had. We talked for like 30 minutes and like, 20 minutes in, we're like, We should start a podcast. Yeah, we are.

00:12:12:10 - 00:12:29:05
And then we had a good conversation. It was good, man. Yeah, for sure. And then like, it was like, All right, let's schedule another call. You know, two weeks later, we're both in our fucking wheelchairs, you know? Yeah. Then, yeah, two weeks later, you know, the same thing. We jump on a call. I'm just like, again, such a banger conversation.

00:12:29:05 - 00:12:46:10
I'm just like, All right, we have to start a podcast. Yeah. Then yeah, here we are two years later. It's just so crazy. I remember that just being mangled in a wheelchair, you know, like, so immobilized. You'd, like, send me a photo of you, like, lying on your carpet in the living room with your legs off, just trying to alleviate pain.

00:12:46:10 - 00:13:14:22
We're both, you know, popping opioids, just like trying to get through, like, the post surgery era. It's yeah, it's it's really, really crazy. So. Yeah, but something else I feel like I've we've tried to cultivate like through this experience is of course, like it's really hard to just 100% authenticity, you know, purely represent yourself when you're in a recorded environment and stuff like that's a really difficult thing to do.

00:13:15:00 - 00:13:38:04
But in general, you know, when we met in person and stuff, there was there wasn't like this superficiality, like, I knew online. Kyle You know, I feel we've tried our best really to just as authentically as possible represent ourselves in this kind of space and go through this in a really public manner. And that's a it's a really bizarre experience, honestly.

00:13:38:04 - 00:14:07:21
Like, it is something capacity. But I also do feel we've kind of just we have kind of like toed the line and in a really I don't know, I would say good way and I'm really happy with that. Like just feeling at ease to just and I would also attribute some of that to just climbing. Is just this such a magical, amazing thing that so many people are just passionate about and in ways that can truly just you're just you're just like emotional and express yourself about it in some capacity, if that makes sense.

00:14:07:21 - 00:14:29:03
You know? So I think that I don't know if I am speaking for you, but like I'm an introvert at heart, I would say I think you've you've agreed with that statement as well. And it's like I think that there are, you know, some podcast personalities or actors, I guess you could call them. They're like they have this persona that they've built in terms of how they present themselves, right?

00:14:29:05 - 00:14:43:08
And it's almost like an act. And, and for us, it's more of like, I don't I don't have the skills to act any other than I already am. And I already have a hard time presenting who I am in the first place, like coming up with a whole other ego that is a you know, a personality is like.

00:14:43:13 - 00:15:08:18
So it's so far fetched. I couldn't even begin to think how to do that. And so, yeah, like you said, it's just like developing the skills to accurately represent what's going on in your head, your heart and your soul. And it's like, how do you articulate that in in a professional manner? And that's what this podcast has done for us is, is to be able to at least move in a direction that's, that's, that's positive.

00:15:08:20 - 00:15:40:04
Yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. And you know, I think like, you know, if we're talking about like moving in a direction, you know, 2023 was this it's crazy actually. Even just saying 2023 being like, wow, this is this is the year we're in, it's insane. And, and like, that's been this obviously amazing experience and project and you know, now we're we're moving into to 2024 to a new season with Rt-cgm which is going to be I don't know I'm really ecstatic.

00:15:40:04 - 00:16:16:18
I'm very excited. I'm I'm I'm very, very yeah. Excited to just deliver more interesting conversations and conversations that I'm fascinated by and, and, and, and to just have more conversations with guests. You know, it's just such a privilege to be able to do that. It's really, really exciting. So, yeah, just in terms of like looking forward, you know, one thing that, you know, I think we've always been very focused on is treating this podcast like a business and providing professional quality.

00:16:16:18 - 00:16:33:06
And, you know, Max and I both, you know, had no idea what the fuck we were doing when we started this project. You know, like Max said, that, that, that picture of me, I've got like my mic propped up with like a book so it doesn't fall over. You know, we were using the wrong mic, you know, and the audio quality was really bad.

00:16:33:06 - 00:16:56:16
You know, if you followed us from the beginning, you know, I appreciate you still being here. But yeah, I mean, you know, on that note of professionalism and and treating this podcast like a business, you know, we have some pretty big goals for 2024. And, you know, we, I mean, first off, we we want to create a website, you know, right now where we're hosting, you know, off of a, you know, a third party.

00:16:56:16 - 00:17:18:08
And we're excited to create our own identity out there on the Internet and create a place for more content to be shared to host the RSS feed that we share with you. potentially start to create blogs and start to add to the community. So, so we have some pretty big goals in that realm. So we're excited for you all to be a part of it.

00:17:18:09 - 00:17:35:04
And then I think the next big, big step for us is looking for, you know, sponsorships. I think that, you know, there's no way to beat around it. You know, this is a business. It takes a lot of our time, our money and our heart and soul. And, you know, while this is a passion project, we want to scale it.

00:17:35:04 - 00:18:04:03
We want to, you know, interview people live. We want to add more quality to the show. And that takes time and money. And so we're looking for key sponsorship opportunities and a way to professionally present that and, well, some other exciting advancements as well. So, you know, in the end though, it's all about the product, it's all about quality, it's all about continuing the ultimate foundation for what this show is and what we've created so far.

00:18:04:05 - 00:18:26:05
Yeah, and just having like good, authentic discussions, you know, it's almost like the goal is just you're all sitting down at dinner with a glass of wine and you're just going to talk about climbing the whole time, you know, just having these meaningful, authentic, interesting discussions and just diving deep into topics and yeah, I'm really looking forward to bringing more of that in the future.

00:18:26:05 - 00:18:44:18
And absolutely, like, both things can be true at the same time. It's this passion project. We absolutely love this and part of the reason for that is that, you know, like, yeah, I want to do this for a living. This is amazing. You know, I want to continue doing this. I want to continue develop this into something really meaningful and amazing and just something that lasts.

00:18:44:18 - 00:19:28:16
And, you know, you know, we've had this discussion of exactly what you're saying. You know, you know, building this out, trying to find other avenues, speaking more, having more meaningful conversations, filming conversations in person, you know, like I'll be flying down to Vegas again in 2024 and, you know, trying to have some in-person interviews again and getting to climb with Kyle and film content and, you know, doing all these things that are, I don't know, pretty cool, just and really interesting and obviously extremely thankful to people who are following along for the journey, listening into conversations and then, you know, not to single people out, we appreciate everybody, but to anybody who's been following the

00:19:28:16 - 00:19:48:07
journey from the beginning. Thank you so much. You know, that's really, really meaningful. And and I do think we have this really, really interesting chronology of of kind of watching Kyle and I go from this like, you know, broken, decrepit state and trying to work our way through and and now we're here. It's it's it's really interesting. It's a cool project.

00:19:48:07 - 00:20:22:16
I think so, yeah, it is. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, the growth should be awesome and our progression is as a brand and as a, as a business and as people will just continue to, to surprise us, I'm sure. But yeah, right. And you know, on a personal note for myself, like, you know this year climbing I've got some pretty and once again these are of course always subjective but I think in line with you know talking with Mary Eden is, you know, what are these kind of limitations that we put on ourselves and that we hamstring ourselves.

00:20:22:16 - 00:20:41:06
And, you know, for me personally, I think this year I'm really looking forward to try and sport climb my first 12 day and that's like a mega jump for me in sport climbing for anybody who's ever listened to me or my grades like this is not like I'm going from like 11 C to 12. It's not a thing.

00:20:41:06 - 00:21:21:01
So it's a huge it's a huge jump. And that's a really interesting goal. And right now I'm also in the process of talking with my brother and REI and potentially some other people. And you know, we're looking at maybe climbing Aconcagua. So that's like a 7000 year peak in South America. Pretty classic like simple mountaineering route. But yeah, you mix in the podcast climbing adventures like that and, and school and you know, it's going to be a really, really busy year And I think kind of once again alluding to that episode with Mary, it's it seems really, really difficult and kind of outlandish for me.

00:21:21:01 - 00:21:42:12
But at the same time, I really think if I, if I put my mind to it and I try really hard, I think I can do all those things, you know, But I have to want to do it and I have to not limit myself psychologically to do it. I do, yeah, yeah. On, on, on my radar. I've got some Phil main objectives.

00:21:42:12 - 00:22:04:20
I think that's like a big push for me this year is a lot of my my document, my filming goals with Joey and also potentially with Jason Harder and then climbing wise, I think the new thing that hit my my plate was a climbing in the nose on el cap in May. Wow. So we'll see how how that pans out.

00:22:04:20 - 00:22:23:17
But Bryce is really psyched on it. And he'd be he'd be the the Stoke for the Fire. But I might be able to to be on board and go experience that for sure. It would be sweet. That'd be so crazy. The nose is just like such a dream to to be able to get on that route, you know?

00:22:23:19 - 00:22:51:03
Wow. Let's get into the Congo line. yeah. Totally crazy. Yeah. Well, awesome, man. I think, you know, short and sweet is is the magic here. You know, we appreciate you all being here. I guess I'll just leave you all with the message to. To reach out. Like, if you like the show. You've been following us for a while, please DM us on Instagram or reach out to our email.

00:22:51:05 - 00:23:11:08
We love to hear from you guys. Please rate and review the show. Spotify ratings are and reviews are huge for our show in terms of recommended to other people that might not have found us yet. And also word of mouth. The more you guys talk about the show, the better. You know, we appreciate any support and all support you guys have for us.

00:23:11:10 - 00:23:22:17
And ultimately you guys being here in the first place is the foundation. So, you know, we appreciate you being here and we hope to continue creating the magic for you.

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